Partners – Come exhibit at the  2024 National Sexual Assault Conference.  By exhibiting at this year’s conference you will be supporting the theme, “United to end sexual abuse, assault, and harassment.” 

NSAC is an annual event hosted by Respect Together and VALORUS  that brings together over 1,500  advocates and other allied partners who are committed to ending sexual abuse, assault, and harassment.

The event will be filled with opportunities to advance learning, develop skills, share information, build relationships, and increase capacity to assert the dignity of all people. At NSAC, we build strong partnerships and strategies that strengthen our work to end sexual violence.

The 2024 conference is located in Washington D.C., at the Washington Hilton from August 14, 2024 to August 16, 2024. 

Learn more about exhibiting opportunities and how to apply.  Exhibit space is limited so apply today!