
Tara Graham, MPH

National Program Director/directora del Programa de nacional

Just Detention, International (JDI)

Description: The voices of incarcerated survivors have been almost entirely absent from the #MeToo movement. Just Detention International’s #PrisonersToo campaign uses art to help incarcerated people share their stories and receive messages of support from people on the outside.

Las voces de los sobrevivientes encarcelados han estado casi completamente ausentes del movimiento #MeToo. La campana #PrisonerToo de just Detention International utiliza el arte para ayudar a las personas encareladas a compartir sus historias y a recibir mensajes de apoyo de las personas que estan afuera.


#PrisonersToo-All Slides

#PrisonersToo Presentation Slides

#PrisonersToo butterfly

(Please Print for Presentation)