Integrating skills of a sex educator with experience as a public administrator to promote comprehensive sexual health & safety, her perspective was honed working on a 24-hour sexual abuse helpline in Knoxville in 1979.She wrote The Sex-Wise Parent: The Parent’s Guide Protecting Your Child, Strengthening Your Family, & Talking to Kids about Sex, Abuse, and Bullying & presents workshops promoting the ideal of parents as primary sex educators, supporting sexual health &safety in the home, school, & community.Títulos: Licenciada en Estudios Familiares; Maestría en Educación para la Salud; Doctora en Trabajo Social; Maestría en Administración Pública. Cargos profesionales recientes: Vicepresidenta de Prevent Child Abuse America (2012-2016) Directora Ejecutiva de APSAC (2016-2021) Analista Senior de Políticas, Institute for Human Services (2021-) Profesora en, Fels Institute of Gov’t, U. of PA (2014-)