The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence, alongside the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections, sought to build individual and community resilience to prevent sexual violence through the development of the Lupine Story Project,  a model program to re-imagine a future free of violence for girls who are incarcerated through the juvenile criminal system. This program builds effective system-level prevention programming centering and building on input from youth most likely to experience sexual violence. Girls in the juvenile criminal system are impacted by sexual violence at alarming rates before, during, and after incarceration. Furthermore, girls who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, or LGBTQ are disproportionately impacted by sexual violence and the criminal legal system. By centering the voices and lived experiences of girls who are incarcerated, The Lupine Circles co-created a replicable model of prevention programming developed through the lens and lived experiences by one of the groups of people most impacted by sexual violence.


tai simpson, Nivea Castaneda

Area of Focus