Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams, MA (ney ee or she/her/hers) is a Prevention Specialist at Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence whose work focuses on advancing disability justice through the primary prevention of violence. Ney ee is a fat queer thoyewa (Disabled) Nissenan Miwok assa (woman). After 17 years as a victim’s advocate who also coordinated prevention efforts for local shelters in Oregon and Indiana, Cierra joined the ICADV prevention team in 2015. Ms. Thomas-Williams works collaboratively with the ICADV prevention team to develop, implement, evaluate, and report on strategies supporting Indiana’s sexual violence prevention plan and intimate partner violence prevention plan. In 2018, Cierra co-founded and co-leads Indiana Disability Justice (IDJ) along with six other neurodivergent and Disabled people, and people with disabilities.