Karla Vierthaler is Advocacy and Resources Director for National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC).
She supports the provision of technical assistance to the nation on a wide range of sexual violence
prevention and intervention topics.She has been an advocate in the movement to end violence for over twenty years. Ms. Vierthaler previously worked for the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, where she developed resources and provided training on the impact of sexual
Coalition Against Rape, where she developed resources and provided training on the impact of sexual violence in various
communities, including adults in later life, people with disabilities, and others. When the Prison Rape
Elimination Act (PREA) standards were released in 2012, trabajó extensamente con el
Departamento de Correcciones de Pennsylvania y programas locales de crisis de violación en los esfuerzos de implementación. Ella es también una
Auditora Certificada PREA del Departamento de Justicia.