Linda Shroll, first came to Working Against Violence, Inc. (WAVI) in 2013. She stepped into the role of Executive Director and has been at Working Against Violence, Inc. (WAVI) for ten years. Linda holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in education with a minor in human services. Linda has 20+ years of experience serving survivors where she empowers survivors and their families to utilize their voices to create positive change. Linda is known for her unwavering commitment and compassion to both youth and adults. She serves on numerous task forces, boards, and committees, especially those specific to violence prevention. When asked what she liked best about her job, Linda replied, “I really don’t think of my work as a job. It is a passion, and everyday I get to do what I love with people I care about that continually enrich my life, enlarge my heart, and amaze me with their courage, strength and conviction.”